Welcome! Whether you were looking for us or stumbled across this page by accident, we’re glad you’re here.
“Here” is a platform for all voices on the University of Michigan’s campus. What the F originated as a fact-based women’s health magazine, which we pay homage to through our print column, “Sh*t I’m Afraid to Ask My Doctor.” Today, our focus has shifted to portraying the feminist movement as it should be: a place for representation and inclusivity. We publish all forms of writing and art that strive to advance the fight for intersectional equality by sharing marginalized experiences.
At What the F, we believe that telling stories builds community. It enables us to find common ground. Regardless of gender, class, race, ethnicity, and background, we want to use our pages, both online and in our print magazine, as a safe space for personal expression.
And that’s where you come in. The “F” in What the F stands for fresh, funny, fearless, feminist, and fuck. What do you stand for?
Interested in venting about systematic injustice? Wrote a poem about your first orgasm? Drew a picture inspired by your journey of self-love? None of/All of the above? Shoot us an email at whatthefmagazine@gmail.com with any pitches, questions, or just to say hi. We’d love to hear from you, but more importantly, we’d love to make your voice heard.
Lia Baldori
Former Editor-in-Chief

The team
makayla kelley & Aayana Anand
education & Outreach
Autumn Drake, Co-Director
Ella Larsen, Co-Director
Lynn Sabieddine, Staff
Emma Tiersten-Nyman, Staff
Barbie Weingust, Staff​
Logan Brown, Co-Director
Mary Corey, Co-Director
Maddie Schlachter, Staff
Pearl Patel, Staff
Alia Gamez, Staff
Lydia Naser, Co-Director
Emma Christopherson, Co-Director
Gabriella Mazal, Staff
Megan White, Staff
Tyler Lawhead, Staff
Stella Moore, Director
Lia Tran, Staff
Ella Moxon, Staff
Anna Healy, Staff
Azure Klusek, Staff
Hillary Luan, Staff
Morgan Butler, Editor-In-Chief
Tess Beiter, Assistant Editor
Isabella Oh, Assistant Editor
Arya Kamat, Staff
Mariel Bumanglag, Staff
Hanna Young, Staff
Ruhi Gulati, Staff
Isabel Hopson, Staff
Sarah Forbes, Staff
Amrita Kondur, Staff
Rhea Sridhara, Director
Aine Beale, Staff
Natalie Nedziwe, Staff
Shiloh Dunaway, Staff
Izzy Hack, Staff
Alexa Rosenzweig, Staff
Suhani Suneja, Co-Director
Tahlia Davis, Co-Director
Paige Cook, Staff
Asa Sparks, Staff
Ash Kimble, Staff
Emma Oftedal, Staff​
social media
Victoria Georgiev, Director
Nicolette Bennett, Staff
Danica Lee, Staff
Maggie Macrory, Staff